5 year olds in love, part 2

I don’t know what I’ve done but my 5 year old has some notions about friendship and love that is incongruent with my ideals, I think. Let me explain.
One day, he started talking about his best friends and listed many of the boys in his preschool class. I asked him if any of his best friends were girls and he said yes and listed a few- excluding his fiancée. “Trouble in paradise,” was my first thought. So of course, nosy me had to probe a little deeper. As usual, I was asking for trouble.
I asked, “What about Ava? Is she one of your best friends?”
He quickly responded, “No. I’m going to marry her,” in a matter of fact tone. Huh? I asked if they still played together and he said sometimes but they each had their own best friends. Now, I’m a little lost. Does he know the difference between friendship and romance? If so, how? Does he think that there are the girls you are friends with and the girls you date? I don’t think that I ever communicated that unless he realizes that I have female friends but his mommy is different. Or is he objectifying and depersonalizing woman who he wants to be romantically involved with? Does he not see friendship as part of being married?
So I started trying to clarify and explain marriage and dating and relationships…to my 5 year old. Not the best idea but I felt like I had to do something before he cemented any bad ideas into his perception on married relationships that would only cause trouble later In life for him and the unfortunate woman who dated him. Isn’t that awful to say about your own kid? Bad dad! Bad dad!
So I told him that when you are married, your wife is the best friend you have ever had but even more special. I then went into how if you find someone special, you want to spend more time with them. I stopped myself there and realized I was getting into a conversation about dating with a 5 year old boy. So I did what only a dad in his right mind would do. I told him that he needed to go talk to his mother.
I was never smooth with dating and relationships before marriage. In fact I was pretty awful. I only wish I can teach him what I learned (what little I learned before I lucked out in meeting his mother). I want to save him the pain and embarrassment. I also want to spare his significant others the pain as well. I have a feeling this kid will need some help because he’ll be one of those guys who always falls in love. God help us all when that starts happening.

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